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Popcorn Power

Karyn Johnson, aged 15, living in Harlem, being poor & ugly, was a fine example of 'loser.' With a baby daughter, no husband, she had to go on welfare, although she hated the idea. Obviously, she needed to eat, as did her young daughter. This young teen mother, not even old enough to drive, degenerated into what is best described as drug addiction. She did unspeakable things to get drugs, often with her daughter present. It got so bad that they both ate out of garbage cans.

Five long years of welfare. Finally put the kid into daycare, and was able to get herself a job putting makeup on people in a local playhouse. Didn't take too long to lose the job.

Got another job putting makeup on people in a funeral home. Ghastly work, but she was hungry, and determined to make it on her own. Lost that job, too. Karyn talked to her little child, and said, "Honey, let's start a fresh life, changing everything." She began simply enough: taking a step EVERY day.

They moved out of NY, and started again. Three years -- just about one thousand days -- later, after taking just about 1000 more steps than you, she repaid NY City's Welfare Dep't every penny she had accepted. Karyn Johnson had the same tool as you: a decision to ask better questions, and take at least one step every day.   Period.   She tapped into the amazing power of NOW. It's the reason why, after she became the highest-paid woman in Hollywood, you might have recognized the new name she adopted... Whoopi.   She simply asked better questions, and produced better answers.    What about you?

What will you do TODAY ?


We have blank lines here exclusively for your use.

Whoever you are, please humor me and fill them in.

I know that 90% of you will fill in the blanks later, right?
You lose, because we already know that you won't really do it later.

It's the reason your bank account is the size it is.

10% of you are smart enough to fill them in now. You can be certain that you will reap measurable benefits in the coming days and weeks


So, you want to have more _________________________
and learn how to get _________________________.


Until you actually pick up a pencil & jot some answers,
please don't read any further.
  Believe me, it would be a waste.


For those of you who wrote any detailed answers, or who do so in the next few seconds...... ...I can and will UNCONDITIONALLY guarantee that those who WRITE answers in the lines above by page's end will see marked, observable progress within days of today; you are proving that you are willing to take a step.     Dozens of the greatest minds in history have observed that the smartest people are those who tap into the deep, unstoppable power found in the word "now;" not merely once, but many times many times over.

The power of "NOW" starts kicking in as soon as you want: 3 days, 20 seconds, or 10 minutes.

If you practiced something for 1000 minutes, would you be better at it than if you did not practice? Dumb question, right? If it's so dumb, what was the last thing important enough for you to practice at for 1000 minutes? If you can put down on paper just one thing you'd really really like, I will give you a magical secret that will bring you closer to your dream, in just days or minutes than you've ever been in your life all added up to this minute. No kidding. Here's the magical secret, and it is more powerful than you have ever understood up until this minute: First, any practice of the Shortcuts Route For Life includes knowing what we want, in advance.

When we do not know precisely where we are going, we have a tendency to end up somewhere else.

Write down one or two things that you really, REALLY want:



Now use the back of your paper to write down 5 to 10 ideas, crazy or not, for turning it into reality. Just 5 to 10 ideas.
Do this for 15 minutes per day for 20 days.
That's right, just a few minutes of your life each day for 20 days. Every single human being who does this radically and forever changes the way they think, because the results are so accelerated, so compelling, that you'll never forget what you accomplished during this 20-day period: it's called 'genius.'
Albert Einstein spoke about it extensively, that genius is nothing more than the "infinite ability to take an infinite number of pains."   It genuinely matters not a whit if you use this genius inside of you for mental tasks, musical tasks, financial, spiritual, emotional, sexual, academic, or any other human effort you can think of: just do it.   Do it and see for yourself. Please, please, do NOT venture your opinion to any of us; we're really not interested in your opinion until AFTER you've done it... ... at which time you can be sure we'll hear each word you offer.
Loooooong before you get to idea #300, you will see some amazing things going on in your mind, and your life. Hey, it's your choice. I'm only here to remind you of the incredible powers you developed as a child to learn how to tie your shoelace (I had a smart dog, a German Shepherd, yet I never once saw him chew gum, or heard him say, "Excuse me" when he burped). Your brain executes many thousands of decisions just in the course of tying your shoelace!!

WAKE UP! It took you a whole lot longer to learn how to speak English or to drive a car than it does to create a list of what you want to do in this next year, and how you can go about doing it!!

Creating sentences, & deciding what words come out of your mouth? Show me a computer that can create and state a given desire. As you read these words, you are right now capable of performing many thousands of tasks, from steering a bicycle, to talking your way into or out of something. Every computer chip on this planet all added up together is but a fraction of the 100 billion-plus neurons you've got; each capable of a million functions.

Your Reticular Activating System is nothing more than a fancy secretary. It filters roughly eight million bits of information per second, deciding what to send "Upstairs" to the conscious mind, and what to send "Downstairs" to the memory storage department. When you decide that you're hungry, the Reticular System searches your brain for all stored info: "Burger King? Chinese? Do I have $$? Do I have time? What do I feel like eating?" You suddenly remember a new pizza place a mile back. You saw it when you passed, the Reticular System decided it wasn't important enough to send "Upstairs," so it simply stored the information until you needed it again. It searches AND FINDS, the info we look for, and brings it "Upstairs" so we can make a conscious choice. With a phone to your ear, taking a drink, slipping off of your shoes: you're making thousands of tiny, yet super-sophisticated decisions. Find a cat, or a giraffe that can hop into the car & go buy some milk!

I promise you, no matter who you are, from U.S. President of to that guy in the group home: Ask a question with repetition, and belief that you'll produce the right answer, and you will always, and without fail produce many answers to that question. You are now in control of a huge power to tap into right now. True power. Power is the "ability to act ." You have the equipment for first-class thinking. What you know is generally distant from what you DO with what you know.

At all times, you are using billions of separate computers within your brain that know how to work together. Since you use such incomprehensibly sophisticated methods for understanding what a "$" sign means, automatically and with little "conscious" thought, don't you see the logic in tapping into those same powers, ON PURPOSE, for accomplishing things you haven't done yet but would like to? Reality is proof that the chances of it happening accidentally are not as good as when there is specific and direct effort toward achieving it. That's agreeable, isn't it? Tapping into the power of NOW is your first step. Even if it's just writing down precisely what you want and why you want it, it only takes minutes for things to happen. You think I'm kidding? Prove me wrong. Prove me right. With deeds, not words. Just stop talking and DO IT!



Just 5 - 10 ideas per day until you have 100 ideas.
100 ideas will be sufficient to make this the single most productive year of your life, guaranteed every single time.

This is one of the ten most powerful shortcuts ever developed in human history. It's better than a pile of cash, because aiming this shortcut at money-making will produce many piles of cash.

For example, let's say you want a date with the gorgeous creature next door.
Here are some ideas.

1. Write a love letter to the object of your dreams.
2. Dial 202 456-1414 and leave a message asking our President to make a phone call on your behalf.

3. Sprinkle Hershey's kisses from your front door to the front door of... well, you get the idea.

It doesn't matter if the ideas are reasonable or not, easily available or not. The primary purpose of doing this is to exercise your problem-solving muscles. Just as squeezing a tennis ball one more time every day or so will add up to highly-developed squeezing ability, so too will this writing exercise, known as a popcorn session, produce measurably better ideas and solutions for you, quickly and effectively.

By the time you produce 100 ideas, the odds are that no less than seventy will be ultimately inappropriate, ten of the 100 distantly workable, another ten or fifteen possible, and just two or three that will be pure, complete genius, and I do mean genius. Whether you have a second-grade education or a couple of master's degrees, it is an unchanging fact of human life that taking the few minutes per day necessary to come up with 100 ideas within five days will always produce at least a few wonderful, life-changing solutions. Always.

Do it.
The most important part of this exercise is that you specifically include every idea you can produce, from those that are workable, to those that are seemingly impossible. No facet of this shortcut to getting much, MUCH better results is more important than the sheer number

 Apply just this one power shortcut for 14.4 minutes pr day. Within 22 days you will have ample evidence that your income is increasing or about to. Within 100 days, you should see AT LEAST a doubling of your income.

It is hoped that you perceive the value of an unconditional guarantee that these shortcuts are universally applicable, from developing new skills for learning guitar, getting top grades with MUCH less effort, a new language, making more money, running five miles... or learning to tie your shoelaces, by far the most difficult thing you've ever done. Use your resources more through shortcuts like these, and then opine. What you know in your mind means far less to any of us than what you DO with what you know, hm?


We suggest you print this document for your own use, and those you may pass it on to.

We at EASY STREET, USA wish you a finger-snapping, toe-tapping, STAR-SPANGLED day!!
This information is brought to you from the mouths of masters and millionaires. If you knew bettter, you'd do better. There is no better possible day to prove you're really all that.


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You're at the largest creation of all time from one pair of hands -- 1,000,000 unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by Mister_Shortcut -- because you're worth it
All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.

Meanwhile, you can feed people NOW with just a free click.
It feels Great!
Shortcuts Route For Life Help TheHungerSite Button

In memory of the astonishing Bernard Francis Kellogg, the GREAT Oprah.... and you.

  Remember 911day.   Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,  DOING  more!   
  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
    Remember 911day.  

Mr-Shortcut is honored to pay this huge homage to YOUR Shortcuts Route For Life, via universal shortcuts for total winning.
The great fact is, when we imitate actions and attitudes of those repeatedly doing best, we tend to imitate their results.
Shapetalks & Shapetalking to Shapetalking II and, all to help you reach YOUR ultimate score.

Shapelink.US & to &, helping you to ultimately help yourself.
Surely you recognize that you cannot get better by accident. Thus, it decocts to your hunger factor, mostly.
As Earl Nightingale taught us long ago in that gravelly, whiskey-soaked voice, it's in just six words:
"We become what we think about"

The human mind persistently moves towards its most dominant current thought.

Within seconds of you grasping what this means, and how it applies to you at your own will,
you will apprehend the enormous power you already possess, but have not yet tapped into.

Considering your practice and understanding of so much of the Shortcuts Route For Life,
back in childhood when you knew to keep asking and keep providing reasons for "Yes!,"
we already know that you are capable of getting more people to help you more often.

When you are hungry for something, REALLY and truly hungry, you know how to ask, hm?
Thus, the Shortcuts Route For Life urges you to identify what you are hungriest to achieve.

Whether you seek to gain or glean, acquire or inquire, your wealth or learning or what-have-you...
are more a matter of your choice than of your chance,
more a matter of selection, rather than circumstance.
If and when we know WHAT it is you are hungry for, and, critically important, WHY you want it,
the HOW becomes infinitely easier, perhaps even exponentially so, as if it's mere child's play.
Please stop pretending to know & understand more than you do, because they're obstacles.
These pretenses are quite literally preventing new and better information from getting in.

Spread your wings even in this minute, studying one new fact, or learning one or two new words.
Within the narrow field of your greatest hungers and interests, expertise can develop in days.
Do you understand what you've just been assured of? DAYS to expertise, absorbing facts.
You do not need to learn hundreds of extraneous, barely-connected facts, now or ever.

Expertise is developed from staying focused on the narrow issue of your true focus.
For example, if you learn three new facts per day about, oh, say, diabetes mellitis,
and, to continue this example, you only learn facts relating to natural resolutions,
in 100 days you know more about how to get rid of diabetus than 99% of all MD's.

Even if your doctor is a self-proclaimed "expert" on diabetes, he or she has much to remember.
Drugs, contraindications & side effects, and much physiology, etc, that you need not have to learn,
these are just some of the thousands of extraneous facts an MD needs to know that you simply do not.
Learning what carbohydrates are, how they function, how to eat well without so many carbohydrates, etc.,
studying and memorizing what foods do and do not trigger demands for pancreas to produce insulin hormone,
results in your being able to intelligently and rapidly develop your own simple health protocols.

Did you know, for example, that most ALL health issues can be remedied with magic secrets?
Indeed! We see thousands of both apocryhal and clinically-established remissions of so much!

Cancer, heart disease, obesity, and much more, wiped out by folks with little or no medical help.

What's the secret? GREAT Question!

No food for 34 to 55 days, at least, not what YOU call food.
Instead, 34 to 55 days of liquid vegetables only, LOW SUGAR!
That means LOW-SUGAR VEGETABLES!   No sweet peas no carrots, no potatoes or bananas.

The second part of this indisputable, long-proven magical super-secret of healing effectively, naturally?

Coffee flushes!     --     Yes, dear, coffee enemas,
the oldest medical procedure known to any civilization of humanity, used for thousands of years.

What you believe and what you know are so far distantly behind what you DO with what you know.
Like it or not, the Shortcuts Route For Life sees it as surely as sunshine: Doctors Kill Too Many People!
A million and even more people are killed each year, just in the U.S. alone (See "Death By Medicine").
All well, up to six, seven, even eight million times per year, the patient gets sicker or ends up really injured.
The more you learn about fixing your own health issues and challenges, naturally, safely, ala Shortcuts Route For Life ,
the more likely you may be to live stronger for longer, with a greater physical sense of remarkable well-being.
When you step outside your front door and feel delighted, maybe even grateful that you are able to do so,
you are setting up the rest of your day to be bigger and better, brighter, and quite surely more fulfilled.
Learn more, so you can live more. Be your own Shortcuts Route For Life expert, learning each day.
The more you learn, and the better you learn, the wiser your decisions tend to be, true enough?

Three, four, five new facts per day.
Shhh. Less talking, more doing, hm?

Universal Shortcuts From The Self-Empowering Shortcuts Route For Life

Universal shortcuts driving YOUR Shortcuts Route For Life,
what will you deliver when it's your big turn to shine?

Will you or won't you, use universal shortcuts,
will you engage your universal shortcuts,
even somewhat as I do mine?

Words are quieter than actions

Universal shortcuts means truly universal shortcuts,
never any doubt that your production rises up high.
The universal shortcuts of leaders and great winners,
are how they universally strive higher for bluer skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of sugar and flour and all that proves foul?
The greatest universal shortcuts, for all that they prove, are universal across nature... that YOUR bottom line will move, rarely ceasing to improve, rarely slowing down.

The universal shortcuts of those who prove to know, better than the rest, whence they come, to produce before they go.
As certainly as the universe has certain rules we must obey & abide, many are universally utile for masters-in-training.
The would-be master who is SO certain of his or her latent talent that they cannot be properly taught, pay their price.
Success cannot happen without errors, or their correction. This is about YOUR win.

Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The choice to repeat the mediocrity of yesterday, or to make today exciting and improvement-rich. That's yours.

Make no mistake, and allow no naysayer to sway you from your course: DECISIONS AFFECT YOUR FOREVER.

The Shortcuts Route For Life shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts tend to illuminate your path, when you USE universal shortcuts, Life makes us glad.

Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie much of your laughter.
The Shortcuts Route For Life, our world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.

The Shortcuts Route For Life Promotes Universal Shortcuts

Universal shortcuts from thine Shortcuts Route For Life,
where will you turn when it's your turn to shine?

Won't you or will you embrace universal shortcuts,
will you refute universal shortcuts of us all?
Will you, also, smash that universal wall?

Universal shortcuts produce more universal shortcuts,
excluding the doubts of your production rising higher.
Great universal shortcuts of champions and winners,
are how leaders universally reach up to clean skies.

Why would you live in a universal cloud, of flour and more far too foul?
The best of universal shortcuts, can help keep you from throwing in the towel,
that YOUR bottom line goes up concomitantly with your use of universal shortcuts

Effective universal shortcuts of those who know and do, better than most of the universal rest, including, I'm afraid, YOU.
When you know your own Shortcuts Route For Life, those around you will see the universal truth of YOUR shortcuts.
Universal shortcuts of what you could have should have, universally come down, to what you really would have.
The Shortcuts Route For Life shares the secrets of life, the universal shortcuts that reduce most of your strife.
Universal shortcuts will illuminate your path, when you USE your universal shortcuts, everything gets rad.
Better and better does your life progress, when universal shortcuts are your prime form of address.
Addressing your issues with shortcuts or not, will determine your outcomes, be they cold or hot.
Utilize your universal, secrets and shortcuts, the words that accelerate you before and after,
you will find that universal shortcuts still prove today, to underlie most of your laughter.
The Shortcuts Route For Life, the world's best source of effective universal shortcuts.

SuperThinking - The Shortcuts Route For Life Presents Secrets and Shortcuts of SuperThinking

Pleasant penalty, compensating for any day missed reading a book or three or more. A "most-happy" penalty is when we suspend all activities just to settle in with books, foods, and smokes. By simply looking up every minute or so, often even less, and re-wording what was learned from a page, a paragraph, a chapter, your retention rate more than triples, indeed, more ---- than ---- triples.

How dare you express an opinion without many repeated experiments or experience? Even the wisest and most well-read man on earth cannot teach you to master the act of swimming without water being nearby for us to get into and practice with.

No opinion is of any value without the combination of repeated repeated repeated experiences COMBINED with knowledge taken in from those who know more than us in the first place before we get that knowledge and experience.

That sentence is worth studying over and over again, with entirely newer and better meanings coming forth after four, five, six, even seven and more repetitions. Consider that axiom, that relatively perfect law of life, because any time and every time you know a set rule in advance, it is comparable to knowing which horse will win the race before the race even starts.

If we ask you to tell us the score of tonight's baseball game before the game starts, you have a range of choices, not just one or two.

You can guess the score, you can examine the team's scoring records, weather factors, current health status, and offer an educated guess. You can call other people to ask them, or you can pull a number out of a hat.

You can throw darts at the wall, you can tell us you have no idea, or, in the last of just these first half-dozen choices you have, you can give us the correct answer, which in itself is arrived at through a variety of means that are not going to occur to you the first or even second time you consider this question of whether or not you can tell us the correct score of the game tonight before the game even starts.

Of course, there are any number of clear thinkers who already knew the answer to the question in its first expression to you. The correct answer is actually easy. The problem is that, as soon as you heard the question, you started forming opinions about the question itself, about how it was framed, whether it was a trick question, or whether you ingested it correctly or.... ... You see? Do you see how many ways there are to go with just about anything?

The point that the Shortcuts Route For Life wants - because it needs - to get into your head is that any new information you take in must be considered from multiple angles in your mind, multiple coigns of vantage, must be considered again and again and again, sometimes repeatedly from one angle, sometimes many times. The more you chew on new information, the higher the likelihood that you will produce better answers.
Many of us know the magical master secret of life that teaches us to ask better questions, because asking better questions has a delicious and near-mystical habit of producing and yielding better answers.

Had you done nothing more than examine the question several times BEFORE forming an opinion or an idea or an answer, you would have realized that you already know the answer to the question, even if you ARE a supposed dope.

The stupidity comes in jumping right in with an opinion, often because you want to let everyone know that you are fast and smart, and not stupid. What does it feel like experiencing the opposite of what you intended? Each time, and most every time you offer up an opinion, it is approximately one hundred percent bogus and/or stupid, because you have neither repeated experience nor a strong studied knowledge of the subject within your life or mind, only in your heart.

Get brilliant in a hurry! Reverse your moronic tendencies to open your mouth before your brain has a fair chance to consider it. This way, the next time someone asks you a question that most people cannot answer ONLY BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CONSIDER THE QUESTION BEYOND THOSE COUPLE OF SECONDS IT TAKES TO ASK THE QUESTION, you will be better prepared.

It was not a trick question. You leaped to the conclusion that you were being asked what the final score of the game would be, as if you're some kind of oracle. Do me a favor, as many Brits like to say when being sarcastic, do me a favor! In fact, your premise and conclusion are far away from what actually took place in the asking.

The Shortcuts Route For Life did not ask you what the score would be after the game. The Shortcuts Route For Life posed a question about the score of the game BEFORE it started. Approximately one hundred percent of us are smart enough to know the correct answer. That is something the Shortcuts Route For Life adores, because knowing something in advance can be turned to your distinct and often repeated advantage agin the vicissitudes and cruelties of life.

If someone asks you what you think the score of the game will be before the game actually starts, you will be able to smile and say, "I heard your question and considered it before telling you now that I don't have to tell you what I THINK, because I know with absolute certainty, and will even wager money on it, that I know the score of the game before it starts, because before any game and every game starts, the score is generally zero to zero."

SuperThinking At The Shortcuts Route For Life

SuperThinking becomes a habit when you make a daily practice of the Shortcuts Route For Life.

SuperThinking is a result of considering a question BOTH repeatedly... ... ... and from different angles of thought, different perspectives based on both your experiences, and your knowledge level of the subject being considered. You can initiate your SuperThinking with your own Shortcuts Route For Life by simply suspending opinions. It is just that simple, and it is not as difficult as you may pretend it to be. Resist the temptation to form an opinion, and you rapidly reap not merely one benefit, either! You experience multiple benefits from every SuperThinking event in your life. Each time and pretty much every time that you suspend your opinions long enough to form an informed opinion, your brain hits the SuperThinking button.

No need to accept the assurance of the Shortcuts Route For Life. Even as each PowerGem of the Shortcuts Route For Life that you use proves to work approximately one hundred percent of the time that it used a hundred times (for those who have already done it one hundred times prior to embracing the Shortcuts Route For Life, it will still work for you roughly one hundred percent of the time. TRY IT YOURSELF! SuperThinking is a choice, SuperThinking is an intention, and you can bet that the act of SuperThinking is a fruit unto itself which ADDS to the yield of your SuperThinking. If you are serious about engaging and employing the Shortcuts Route For Life within your mind and purview for the purpose of developing excellence and then mastery of your mind, then go out of your way to make the effort to engage in the delay of opinion-forming, delay in opening your mouth, until you repeatedly engage in your own form of SuperThinking.

The payoffs are far more than you know, and have worked with former idiots, so they are certain to be gained as well or better by you. Go ahead, SuperThink your way out of or into what is uppermost in your mind and heart.       Shapetalks.US

Embrace your Shortcuts Route For Life & Shortcuts Route For Life ,
and see what magic YOU can produce in your results... and life.

Popcorn shortcuts and popcorn secrets, lined up nicely in a row,
remember that popcorning shortcuts, are a shortcut to YOUR best show.
Popcorn shortcuts, when used with someone else, helps to empower you.
taking thoughts off YOUR shelf.

Too many of our best thoughts remain hidden on the shelves of our minds,
awaiting little more than a simple summons, an awakening to mental daylight.
Each time we humans engage in popcorning, producing one idea after another,
we routinely, even inevitably, exponentiate the number of our best possible solutions.
As with all of the greatest Shortcuts Route For Life secrets and inside tips and shortcuts,
count this among your most powerful, getting two or minds to function as if they are several.

Shhh. Less talking, more doing. Try this popcorn shortcut and see.

Popcorn shortcuts, popcorn secrets, plus a friend, and the Shortcuts Route For Life... voila!

Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
No Way!
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU
Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
No Way!
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU
IQ Boost
age 14
Pay You
Say nay?
Ah Free
No Way!
Use It
Last Ruby
It's YOU
IQ Boost
age 14
    Masters and Millionaires       Shame       HotClick      911day      911day II      SuperHealth      
        Change Your Homepage Each Week

    Doctors II       E.M.I.       Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II       Index       Pain Relief      

The Shortcuts Route For Life is the largest creation of all time, with 1,000,000 web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by Mister_Shortcut
All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people, fair enough?

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                 Nice... saving a life with clicks!
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, known to manyas Mr. ShortcutBR> Thanks, honors, and praise to the rather holy Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars past 25 years...
and used it all to feed people.